Friday, June 26, 2009


So not only do I love having friends who let me take their picture. but having babies who let me do it too is awesome. I love this little girl. I cant believe she is 10 months already.

We took these at the park today.

Try and guess which one is her " OH NO" face!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Upcoming specials and dates.

Hello everyone,
Several of you have contacted me about sessions in the last few weeks. I am trying to plan the rest of our summer and was wanting to set some solid dates with you :) I am overwhelmed and so grateful for all the comments I have received about my work. Thank you all for your support. I am booking sessions starting as early as this Friday, June 26th. I am not available this Sat for an evening shoot , but I would be willing to do a morning shoot at 6:30 am.
other then that I am available Friday, Sat , and Sun evenings through the summer. I have a few locations I use but I am always looking for new ones.
I am looking forward to hearing from everyone and planning your session. The first 4 people to book a session for anytime this summer will receive three free edits and a free 8x10 of their choice.
Please e mail me back with your date and time. My evening sessions are from 5:30 to 7:00 and my morning sessions are from 6:30 to 8:00.

Lauren Jean photography

please check out my blog

phone 480-650-7363

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ciana and Jaidyn.

I seriously love my friends. Almost all of them have been so supportive of me and my photography. My friend Angela was the first one to let me take pictures of her and her kids with my spiffy new camera. To say I had no clue what I was doing would be an understatement lol........

Now that I have become slightly better , i wanted to make it up to her. So we headed out to the Mesa Art Center for some stellar pictures.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do you want more out of your Myspace/facebook pictures?

Hey everyone,
So it is no secret that I have been working really hard learning all about photography. I think I am making amazing progress. Now all I need are people to take pictures of :). A few of you have contacted me about wanting just a few pictures to use on Myspace , facebook , blogs, or dating sites. So I came up with this idea. For 20 dollars I will meet you and up to four other people at a location of your choice. We will shoot for about a half hour.Then in a few days I will deliver or mail you your cd with 10-15 touched up and edited and watermarked with my logo images. You may use them on any site you would like.

I am still booking regular sessions for fifty dollars. The regular sessions include 1-2 hours of shooting up to six people. Each extra person or pet is 10 dollars. Unlimited outfit changes and locations. You will receive a cd of 20-30 images with basic color correction and editing. You will have full printing rights.

If you would like any special or artistic editing it is five dollars a image. I can also do lab quality prints for a extra fee.

I am also looking to do some event photography. I have the same 40 dollar special per hour. Each extra hour after the first two is 25 dollars.

The first two people to e mail at will receive half off either a regular session or a event session.

Don't forget to check out my Blog

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Finding the beauty in the everyday scenery.

I found an awesome new location in downtown Mesa. I took my little supermodel there for some practice shots. Part of what I love about photography is seeing the pretty in the everyday scenery. this is the back alley behind a music store. I think it looks AWESOME !

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Awesome Blogs !

I really think I am turning into a blog-a-holic. Are there support groups for that ? I just LOVE looking at other peoples blogs. My favorite blogs are ( duh ) photography blogs. I am a super huge fan of Blue Lilly photography. I have never met this awesome duo in person. But Wendy and Tyler seem to be the shiz-nit . One day I will get them to take my picture . In the mean time if you want some awesome pictures and your in any of these areas , you most definitely should hook up with them.

Tell them Lauren sent you.

And then they will look at you funny because they have no idea who I am.........

Moving on..........

Have you ever heard the phrase Mom-tog ? I had not until I stumbled across This blog. Drew is a super awesome Mom-tog who lives in California. I love all the tips and tricks she gives in her blog. One of the things I love about it is that its not geared towards just professional photographers. It for moms and Dads who simply want to take better pictures of their kids.
And her son is such a cutie !!!

And now onto ME !!!

I am still building my portfolio so e - mail me if you want to be a part of the action . I am looking to do all types of event and portrait photography. If you have a idea , let me know . I am game for almost anything ( almost)
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