Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Teeth !

Myka is my third baby. I have been through the teething baby game once or twice. ok, twice to be exact. Both girls sailed through it. Not one runny nose, rash, or sleepless night.

So I wasn't too worried about number three........ I was so very wrong.

Poor thing , her teeth are just taking their sweet time. In the meantime , we have the sniffles , a rash on our bum , and general grumpy baby syndrome.

She is still a cutie :)

I am booking baby mini sessions. They are super cute and fun. E mail me for more info.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm back !

I am sitting at my computer drinking a much needed glass of wine. The kids are clean , fed , and in bed. The sound of my tv that is finally hooked and on the tv stand , is in the backround.

the past few weeks have been a whirlwind. Our move was a NIGHTMARE. The Air conditioning in our old house broke in the middle of the move. So we had a good two days of 116 degree temps. You can imagine how fun lugging boxes and furniture was in that weather.

But , we are here . We are home. Our new house is perfect for us. It has such a great feel to it. We are very happy. This was a blessing.

Now, the fun stuff. I did pictures for my friend Kim. Her little boy is turning one !!! He was such a doll. I had so much fun. Too bad the weather was stinkin hot out. I could have taken way more pics if we weren't all melting lol.......

such a sweet family !

I also took some pictures for my friends wedding ! These two our so in love :) It was written all over their faces. I feel so lucky to be a part of their special day .

Congrats Jen and Dave !

So thats what I have been up too :) I missed blogging. It is very therapeutic.

I hope all my friends online and in AZ are doing great ! I missed you all.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Contests and nine year olds !

Ok , so I have posted A LOT about how much I love this photographer. Her name is Wendy and she is who I want to be when I grow up. She just posted on her blog that she is doing a give a that has killer prizes. You win a free shoot ( normally 400 dollars ) A huge canvas , 20 pics on a cd AWESOME ! The best part, you get to have dinner with her afterwards !!!

The rules are simple. You have to show her that YOU WANT TO WIN ! You can use pics videos blogs anything. It just has to be crazy !

I WILL do almost anything !

I know how you all can help me !! My pal on facebook came up with this idea. OK, here is a link to Wendy and Tyler from Blue lily's blog. Go on check out thier pics and bask in the awessomeness that is blue lily. When you are done basking , leave them a comment telling them how awesome thier pictures are anddddd how much your friend Lauren Mitchell wants to win.

If I can get 100 people to check out her website and leave her a comment I will do something crazy , like really crazy ................

I don't know what yet but I think it will involve body paint , a video camera and public places.

I also have my own crazy entry in the works that I am e mailing to them . I will post that for you asap !

come on folks it will only take a second and eyes will thank you for it !

Oh real quick , the blog I am directing you too is Blue lilys blog and blue lily pictures. Not mine. I think there may have been some confusion earlier.

But fir the people who have already commented about laurenjean photography , A huge thank you !!

New update

My friend Stacy had the wonderful idea that as well as doing something crazy , I should also do something good for some Pug pups ! If I get 100 comments on blue lilys blog about this post I will do a free photoshoot for this group !

help me and some doggies out !

blue lilly link

Doggie link


i think I need to learn how to clean a shotgun.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Help me win !

Ok , so I have posted A LOT about how much I love this photographer. Her name is Wendy and she is who I want to be when I grow up. She just posted on her blog that she is doing a give a that has killer prizes. You win a free shoot ( normally 400 dollars ) A huge canvas , 20 pics on a cd AWESOME ! The best part, you get to have dinner with her afterwards !!!

The rules are simple. You have to show her that YOU WANT TO WIN ! You can use pics videos blogs anything. It just has to be crazy !

I WILL do almost anything !

Monday, July 6, 2009

The awesome Kidd Kids !

Talk about adventures in photography ! This shoot was awesome not only because Stacy and her family are some of the most easy going people I have ever met , but also because about 20 minutes into the shoot we had our first Monsoon of the season. They were such good sports about it. They even let their kids go out and play in the rain !!!

The Kidd's were nominated for Family of the year at the YMCA and I can see why ! They were so much fun. Here is a sneak peek Stacy ! Thanks again:)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Swirls , twirls and circles

I can blame my love of photography on my Sister in law Meghan. She was bit by the bug a few years back and has been taking AMAZING pictures ever since. Not only is she a awesome photographer , but she is a stellar artist . She takes the kind of pictures that make a mom cry. It was the pictures she took of my girls that made me decide I wanted to learn how to make people feel that way.I could go on forever about how much I love this gal , but I thought I would rather show you how creative she is.

She designed a set of brushes for photoshop. They are called " swirls, twirls , and circles". They are available on I downloaded them as soon as I could and have been looking forward to playing with them all night.

Here is what I have come up with so far.......

What do you think ???

If you like them go HERE and get yourself a neat set a pretty brushes. And check out her work HERE.

Myka has no choice, this photography thing is in the genes
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