How will people remember me ? A few days ago I was blessed enough to chat on the phone with another photographer who lives on the other side of the country. I have never met her in real life. She found my page through facebook after dear friends of hers mentioned my name to her. She e mailed me with a few questions. I asked if I could call her because I think I am better on the phone.
After we chatted about photography for a bit we started talking about our faith. About having a relationship with a God who alive and living inside us every second we are on this earth. We each feel that this gift of photography is meant to glorify God. To help speak louder then words ever can about the hurt and pain in this world. And the beauty and love that the human spirit is capable of.
I hung up the phone feeling refreshed and whole. Did I mention that the friends who mentioned my name to this fellow photographer were my husbands aunt and uncle ? My friend shared with me what a blessing they had been in her life. How they made her feel loved at a time in her life when she needed it the most.
What a awesome thing to have someone say about you. She used the words they changed my life. How AMAZING !! When I die someday ( a long time from now I hope ) I desperately pray that someone will say that about me. I pray that someone will say that about our family. I want my children to see us helping people. Speaking love and life into others.
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
Amen !!
Speaking of legacies and families. How adorable are Kathleen and her family. We met for a family session id downtown Gilbert on a particularly stormy Arizona day . The rain stopped just long enough for us to take some awesome pictures. My favorite part of the session was when I had to practically beg them to stop kissing !!
*hehe* So adorable. I love when couples are that in love :)
Within minutes of ending the session and getting into my car the sky opened up and poured down rain. The wind was so fierce I had to pull over and wait the storm out.
No complaints here though. I love the rain. We don't see it enough in Arizona !!
the inspiration for this post can be found here. I love this song !!
Merry Christmas Adam!
2 weeks ago
I really believe it's not about what we accomplish but WHO WE IMPACT! That's what living out our faith is all about! I'm SO glad we had the opportunity to chat and look forward to many more conversations!! Cindy
what a powerful story! how amazing to have found that connection.
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