Friday, April 30, 2010

Be a poser !!

I remember when I first started out I used to spend hours looking at blogs and studying posing techniques. I wondered how photographers caught those "it" moments. You know the moments when the couple seems unaware that the camera is even there as they giggle and tell inside jokes. The moment between a father and a daughter that is so precious it makes your heart melt. Or the exact moment a family erupts in laughter all at the same time.

I wanted to learn to capture those :it" moments.

There was just one problem , every family I photographed just stood there and expected me to know what to do. Didn't they know they should be frolicking together. That they should act natural and just let me take a thousand pictures of them being "natural"

But what is being natural ? And how do you feel natural when you're all dressed up in a public place with a photographer who you probably barely know following you around telling you to act natural ?

easy peasy.

Come up with some simple silly interactions that for the family or couple to do together. For example. Ask everyone to try to make the baby laugh .
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It takes the families focus off the camera and puts it where it belongs. On each other. Another trick I use for large families Is I ask them to pose themselves how they are comfortable when they get ready for a shot. I find that natural family connections shine through this way. Then I move them as needed to make sure everyone's happy smiling face can be seen.

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And then I tell the kids to tickle Mom and Dad. ( the kiddos love this one)

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And sometimes i ask them to walk away from me and then i tell "BOO" really loud so they all turn around.
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Poses like these help loosen a family up not only with each other but with you the photographer as well. After a few fun ones the magic really shines through. Then you can get pictures like this that truly capture the love and joy between a family. They look natural, but were achieved with direction.

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And one last piece of advice. Never stop taking pictures .

Even when no one is looking...
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because you don't want to miss the small moments that speak BIG words about love.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am having a love affair........

With black and white photography. Its funny how you could put the same model in front of 10 different photographers and all ten images that are captured will look completely different. Some photographers are bright and bold with their colors. Some use lots of photoshop techniques to make the images come alive with uncommon colors and textures. Others are more subdued and laid back. They keep things simple, and clean. Some are soulful and use rich tones shadows to accentuate the subject in the picture. I would classify my " style' as bubbly, bright, fun. And it works, but lately i have been testing the waters trying to capture images with more soul to them. I have found that black and white really helps you do that.

For you aspiring photogs out there I know you will understand me when i say that black and white pictures are no easy feat. It is not done by just clicking a button in photoshop. You want the perfect blend of blacks and whites. Its a game of trial and error until you find the mix of blacks and whites that makes the image come to life.

Until i saw these images i don't think i really realized how loudly black and white pictures can speak. The motivation for this shoot started with my clients desire to have pictures of her daughter in a baby cradle. But not just any cradle.This is the cradle that she herself had slept in as a baby. And the cradle that her mother had slept in as as well .

I really wanted these pictures to have a timeless feel to them. Like they could have been taken in any era. And of course I had some super adorable models. Someone asked me how i make my pictures black and white. my answer was simple, i know its right when the picture " sings" to me.

I hope these pictures sing to you too :) thanks Kristen for coming out and bringing your adorable babies.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

It was windy out today.

This time of year is so bittersweet. While the rest of the country is rejoicing in the bliss of springtime and dreaming of summertime, we in Arizona are preparing to hibernate for 5 months.
The past few weeks we have been in the 90's. The sun has been shining down its violent rays warning us of the temperatures to come. To make matters worse. Our air conditioning is broke. I think God is testing me.

But today *sigh* today was a gift from heaven. Today i stepped out into the parking lot of the grocery store and smelled rain. I LOVE the smell of rain. The air this afternoon was thick with it. I was positively giddy as I loaded my children and groceries into the car. Delighting in every cold raindrop that hit my skin. As I closed the van doors and made my way to return my shopping cart, I closed my eyes and pretended i was back in Chicago.

It was nice.

Today was nice.

Rain is nice.

babies with no pants on while they play outside in the rain are nice.


Monday, April 19, 2010

In love In Arizona.

" You know you are in love
when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world."
David Levesque
if you refer a couple to laurenjean and they book a wedding with me for 2010 or 2011. You will receive a $100.00 dollars towards any laurenjean family photography package !!!

Congrats Stephanie and Steve . I cant wait for the wedding :)
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Monday, April 12, 2010

some things.......

in honor of my 28th birthday i decided to make a list of some random things about my childhood and life that i feel like have helped make me who I am today. The good the bad, and the just plain lauren moments.....

1. When i was about 7 years old i was attacked by a bumble bee in my back yard. The bee stung me 5 times before I made it inside. It then proceeded to ram its self into the screen door repeatedly until my dad went out side and killed it. Ever since that day I have been terrified of bees.

2.i grew up right next to rail road tracks. I lived in a suburb of Chicago so the train ran all the time. I never noticed the noise until i moved away from it. where we live now there is a train about a mile away from us. Sometimes I stay up late just so i can hear it go by at midnight. i close my eyes and imagine my old house and rainbow bite bed. It brings me comfort.

3.i once locked my keys in my car with my car running twice in the same day.

4.After my Dad died sometimes me and my mom would stay up late and watch Nick-at-nite together. the theme songs from Mary tyler morre and dick van dyke still make me smile.

5. I choked on a piece of hard candy on a field trip to a fire station when I was in second grade. i actually passed out . I think its why i cant eat hard candy now. i have a insane fear of choking.

6.My all time favorite tv show is Roseanne. i dont know why. i just think its really funny.

7. I met my husband when I was 12. but it took me until I was 23 to realize he was my soul mate.

8.I have known most of my friends since third grade. some even longer.

9. I have ADD. Like for real . So school was always really hard. I wish i would have done better. But i think it fuels me to make sure my daughters do well.

10. i love photography. Duh, I mean I really love it. I feel like when I look through the lens the world makes sense again. maybe its a control thing ??? But it make me complete.

And last but not least.... I got to take pictures of this cute little guy over the weekend !

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Friday, April 9, 2010

i should ...........

I should..........

blog more, read more, listen to new music, listen to old music, learn to dance, do some yoga, exercise more, stop being so hard on myself, take a bubble bath for reasons other then sickness, pray more, read my bible more, pray in public,pray in private,pray with my husband pray with my kids, play a sport ( yeah right, I have no free time ) make time for free time, learn to cook,plant a garden eat organic,take more pictures, tell more funny jokes,tell people I love them more , show people I love them more, go to Africa,go to Europe,go anywhere other then Arizona this summer, write my grandma a good old fashioned letter and send it snail mail,shop at more thrift stores,use coupons, read more labels, make homemade lemonade, take my kids on a picnic,
change all my i shoulds to i wills................

I will..........

blog more, read more, listen to new music, listen to old music, learn to dance, do some yoga, exercise more, stop being so hard on myself, take a bubble bath for reasons other then sickness, pray more, read my bible more, pray in public,pray in private,pray with my husband pray with my kids, play a sport ( yeah right, I have no free time ) make time for free time, learn to cook,plant a garden eat organic,take more pictures, tell more funny jokes,tell people I love them more , show people I love them more, go to Africa,go to Europe,go anywhere other then Arizona this summer, write my grandma a good old fashioned letter and send it snail mail,shop at more thrift stores,use coupons, read more labels, make homemade lemonade, take my kids on a picnic.

I hope you had a FANTASTIC Easter. Here are some snapshots of Easter egg fun at the Mitchells !


Thursday, April 8, 2010


I remember the day like it was yesterday.I was standing in church talking with a new mom I had met at MOPS. My heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty . The voice in my head saying "just tell her you are a photographer." Before i knew it those words were coming out of my mouth.
As soon as i said it her face lit up and she said " I would love for you to take some pictures of my baby "
I was on cloud nine. I remember the thrill of booking those first few shoots. The idea that people would pay me to do what i loved was mind blowing. Lets be honest it still is. I feel so honored to be a part of every memory that I capture.
I have a friend who is a amazing artist and writer. She is always posting the most amazing quotes about art, inspiration, and creativity. I had the pleasure of helping her with some pictures a few months ago. i remember meeting at the mesa art center and talking for what seemed like forever about our different art forms. It was so great to sit down and chat with someone who "gets" it. She is one of the many blogs I draw inspiration from on a almost daily basis. There are so many others.

I am telling you all something I don't think I have ever spoken out loud to anyone other then my husband. i want to inspire people. I want to touch peoples emotions with my work the way i have been touched by others work. I want to grow as a artist and help others grow too. I have had so many bloggers inspire me over the past year. I know i don't comment much. But please know that i am reading. And you are helping water the creative seeds inside of me. People who take the time to share their work and day to day struggles are helping young artists flourish.

I had the pleasure a reconnecting with that mom from MOPS and her darling daughter a few weeks ago. She is one now. And is so much fun. She is walking and talking. Her eyes were so bright and full of life. She has grown so much since her last shoot with me.

We both have.

Happy birthday baby Briana !!!!

from our shoot a year ago........

baby blues

and here are a few from a few weeks ago. Enjoy !

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Quit !

thats right ladies and gentlemen. i quit !! i have had it with photography. never again will i worry about shutter speed or aperture ! I will NOT stay up until 3 aM editing pictures ever again !

I AM DONE !!!!

JUST KIDDING ! happy April fools day everyone !! Seriously as if i could ever quit. Photography is like breathing to me. I need my camera as much as I need air. I need it like a fish needs water or a car needs tires or a......

well you get it.

Happy April ! I love April for so many reasons. April is my birthday month. This year i will be celebrating the third anniversary of my 25th birthday. More on my feelings about that later. I also love April because of Easter. I know Easter is not always in April but most of the time it is. i remember my 16th birthday actually fell on Easter day. i was so upset because no where was open. And all my friends were busy with their families. I remember my mom going out of her way to make the day special for me. Last year my birthday was on Easter too. Only this time i wasn't so upset about it.
April is a fun month all around. Speaking of fun , I had a blast with Laura and Ash a few weeks ago on Mill Ave. The weather was perfect for picture taking and these guys were up for anything. I can't wait to photograph their wedding in May. And just for fun here is your slideshow !

Enjoy ! And happy Easter. if you dont know the reason for Easter click here . And if you are in the phoenix area and looking for a AWESOME Easter Sunday service check out here. maybe I will see you there !

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